Important Note:
To protect my intellectual property rights, I have watermarked my designed images with a QR barcode link that redirects to my website. In the near future, these designs will be available for purchase in bundles without the watermark. I kindly ask for your respect and understanding in this matter. For now, I am still offering high-resolution images for free, albeit with the QR code logo. Inquiries to purchase: Contact
Please use the wallpapers for personal use only.
Thank you for your understanding, support, and being part of my creative journey! 🌈
Download high-resolution QR watermarked files, click here: ==> Wallpaper <==
Don’t forget to visit my mental health awareness shop, Colorless Noise, where you can find a variety of products on sale. Take a look!
[Donate Here] – Your support is invaluable and helps keep these wallpapers available for everyone.
Butterfly Inspired

Flower Inspired

Beach Inspired

Mountain Inspired

Female Inspired