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Welcome! I’m John Gruca, the creator of Colorless Noise. Throughout my life, I have faced both mental and physical health challenges. These experiences have inspired me to launch this platform. While I am not a mental health expert, I hope my stories can touch, comfort, or uplift others.

What You’ll Discover Here:

  • Words with Impact: I am passionate about writing and sharing my experiences to inform and raise awareness about mental health.
  • Musical Motivations: My writing often includes music-related analogies, reflecting its significant influence on my life.
  • Artistic Creations: In March 2024, I opened my merchandise shop, driven by a deep commitment to mental health awareness, which is very important to me. The merchandise shop not only serves as a platform to support others but also as a means for me to earn additional income, as living on disability presents its challenges. Here, you’ll find items like mugs, wall art, and stickers under the theme “Explore Art That Matters”, all designed to inspire and engage on topics of mental health. I also design and offer free mobile wallpaper. I hope you find something in my designs that resonates with you and makes a meaningful addition to your life.

Colorless Noise is more than a blog. It’s a space where I share my personal thoughts, artwork, and musings. Each post offers a glimpse into different aspects of my life, hoping to give you a new perspective or a moment to reflect.

Thank you for visiting Colorless Noise. I value your interest in my work and as we all navigate our unique journeys and embrace life’s challenges, I aim to share the joys and lessons I discover along the way.

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